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- 23-25 June 2019: Third Summer School, Lincoln College, Oxford
- 30 Apr. 2019: Printing R-evolution Exhibition ends
- 31 Mar. 2019: ERC-funded project ends
- 18 Jan. – 8 Mar. 2019: Seminar in the History of the Book 2019, Oxford Weston Library
- 19 Sept. 2018: Publication of Printing Revolution 1450-1500. Fifty Years that Changed Europe, by Cristina Dondi, Venice: Marsilio, 2018
- 19-21 Sept. 2018: International Conference Printing Revolution and Society – Venice, Palazzo Ducale
- 1 Sept. 2018: Opening of the Exhibition Printing Revolution 1450-1500. Fifty Years that changed Europe – Venice, Correr Museum and Marciana National Library
- 16 Apr. 2018: Launch of the our promotional VIDEO at the Press Conference held in London, Foreign Press Association.
- 23 Jan – 9 Mar. 2018: Seminar in the History of the Book 2018, Oxford Weston Library
- 1 Dec. 2017: Rahel Fronda (UK), Marco Bertagna (Italy), and Alexander Gordin (Israel) started to work on 15cHEBRAICA.
- October 2017: Electronic upload in MEI of 3396 editions in 3989 copies from Cambridge University Library and 895 editions in 1067 copies from the National Library of Austria, Vienna.
- August 2017: Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe grant to catalogue Hebraica into MEI
- 3-5 July 2017: Second Summer School, Lincoln College, Oxford
- June 2017: Helen Hamlyn Trust grant to complete cataloguing incunabula in Venice, Museo Correr and Fondazione Cini
- 24 April 2017: Electronic upload in MEI of 2299 records from The Hague Royal Library; they will be enhanced by Lauren Leenders, Maria O’Shea, Ruben Celani, Judith Kolumban, Cornalijn Meinders, Philip Muijtens, under the supervision of Marieke van Delft, curator of the Special Collections Department, the training of Geri Della Rocca de Candal (15cBOOKTRADE), funded by three CERL Internship and Placement Grants and three Gerard van Thienen Internship Grants offered by the Royal Library Special Collections Department.
- Apr. – July 2017: Giovanni Colavizza (EPFL Lausanne) visiting PhD student
- 20 Jan. – 10 Mar. 2017: Seminar in the History of the Book 2017, Oxford Weston Library
- 25 November 2016: Oxford, Lincoln College, EDPOP Workshop
- 13-15 July 2016: First Summer School, Lincoln College, Oxford
- 23 June 2016: Oxford, Weston Library and Lincoln College, Launch of 15cBOOKTRADE, incl. Visualisation Video
- 20 June 2016: Electronic upload in MEI of Bod-inc records (Bodleian Library)
- April 2016: Geri Della Rocca de Candal in Greece
- Dec. 2015 – Jan. 2016: Cleaning and tiding up of the new Owners of Incunabula Index of MEI, by 15cBOOKTRADE Team
- 20 November 2015: Google Analytics set up for 15cBOOKTRADE website and TEXT-inc database.
- Nov. 2015 – Apr. 2016: Matilde Malaspina at Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice (Grant).
- Nov. 2015 – Jan. 2016: Maria Casas Gonzalez (Malaga) joins team as Erasmus+ (Spanish illustration)
- November 2015: launch of TEXT-inc database
- November 2015: launch of 15cBOOKTRADE website
- October 2015: launch of new MEI database
- September 2015: New MEI database delivered to the Team
- 1 April 2015: Simon Walton, visualisation engineer, starts to work for the Project
- 1 April 2015: Alex Jahnke delivers the API of the new MEI database to Simon Walton, visualisation engineer
- November 2014: Text-inc delivered to the Team
- 1 October 2014: Geri Della Rocca De Candal, Sabrina Minuzzi, and Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni start working on the Project. Matilde Malaspina starts her DPhil as part of the Project
- 4 July 2014: Kick-off meeting with Project Team, IT, and international advisors in Oxford, Taylorian Institution
- 1 April 2014: Birgit Mikus starts as Project Administrator
- 1 April 2014: Sue Burgess starts to work on Text-inc
- 1 April 2014: Project starts