Training and Dissemination: Workshops – Seminars – Teaching
20 June 2022 Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institut für Kunstgeschichte Friedrich-Alexander-Universität [remote], Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) und die Inkunabelsammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseums in Nürnberg, with Prof. Christina Strunck, Prof. Johannes Pommeranz, Dr Beatrice Alai and Elena Fogolin (C. Dondi)
Mar. – June 2022, Sapienza Università di Roma, History of the Book course, part of the Global Humanities programme (42 hours)
18 Jan. 2021, London, University College, Master in Library and Information Studies (org. Dr Tabitha Tuckett) [remote], a session on incunabula studies and digital resources (C. Dondi)
15 Dec. 2020, University of Silesia, Katowice, part of a visiting Fellowship funded by the Metropolitalny Fundusz Wspierania Nauki” (=Metropolis Science and Education Support Fund), org. by Prof. Prof. Jolanta Gwiozdzik; [remote] three lectures delivered on historical research and data on incunabula (15cBOOKTRADE), outreach (Printing Revolution exhibition), and the Polonsky Project on Monastic libraries.
23 June 2020 University of Turin [remote], ‘Riscrivere la rivoluzione della stampa. Il 15cBOOKTRADE, un patrimonio di risorse, un network internazionale di biblioteche e ricercatori’, in Digital Tools and Groundbreaking Methodologies for the History of Libraries (C. Dondi and M. Malaspina; org. Maria Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni)
11 June 2020, Bibliographical Society of America, [remote] webinar on MEI for
March-May 2020 University of Udine, Scuola Superiore, Seminario di Storia: Storia del Libro, [remote] Incunabolistica pestilenziale (28 hours), with Neil Harris and guest speakers
3 Mar. 2020, University of Florence, Settimana Didattica Internazionale: Il nero nella stampa (C. Dondi)
2-6 Sept. 2019: Antwerp University Summer School, ‘Researching provenance and circulation of incunabula: the MEI-project’, in Books and Culture: Reconstructing Book Owenership: Sources, Methods, and Perspectives, org. Pierre Delsaerdt, (C. Dondi)
18 June 2019: Baltimore, The Association for College and Research Libraries’ Rare Books and Manuscripts (RBMS) – Half-day Workshop: The MATERIAL EVIDENCE IN INCUNABULA (MEI) database and American collections: bringing together our dispersed cultural heritage (C. Dondi)
17-21 June 2019: London Rare Books School 2019, ‘The Medical Book, 1300–1900’ (Elma Brenner and Laura Nuvoloni on MEI)
16 Oct. 2018: Florence, Seminario Arcivescovile, MEI training Workshop for Consulta Beni Culturali Ecclesiastici della Regione Toscana, coordinated by the Polo delle Biblioteche ecclesiastiche; it consists of some 15 libraries for a total of at least 834 editions (G. Della Rocca de Candal and B. Alai)
13 March 2018: Zurich, Zentralbibliothek, MEI training Workshop for Swiss libraries (C. Dondi and Angeline Rais)
22 February 2018: London, The British Library, MEI training Workshop addressed to curators of the section Printed Heritage Collection (15th-16th century editions) and an intern from King’s College (M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni)
19-21 February 2018: Venice, Marciana National Library, MEI training Workshop for Italian rare books curators (S. Minuzzi)
30 January 2018: Wraclaw, Ossolineum, MEI training addressed to curators of Polish special collections (G. Della Rocca de Candal)
19 January 2018: Bologna, Biblioteca Universitaria, MEI training Workshop addressed to special collections librarians (M. Malaspina)
19, 21 December 2017: Cagliari, Università degli Studi, MEI training Workshop, organised by Prof. Giovanna Granata and addressed to researchers working for the project C.L.A.SAR (M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni)
12-15 December 2017: Oxford, Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages and Weston Library, MEI training Workshop, addressed to new MEI Hebraica editors (cataloguing project sponsored by the Rothschild Foundation) Marco Bertagna, Alexander Gordin, Rahel Fronda (G. Della Rocca de Candal, M. Malaspina, B. Mikus, and M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni)
9 October 2017: New York, Columbia University, Butler Library, MEI training Workshop (Matilde Malaspina and M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni)
3-5 July 2017: Oxford, Lincoln College, History of Libraries Summer School: Three days full immersion with the 15cBOOKTRADE’s digital tools (15cBOOKTRADE team)
- 13-15 July 2016: Oxford, Lincoln College, History of Libraries Summer School: The Application of the Digital Humanities to the Transmission, Preservation. and Dispersal of the European Written Heritage between the 15th and the 16th Centuries (15cBOOKTRADE team)
- 5 April 2016: Milan, Universita’ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, ‘Nuove tecnologie per lo studio degli incunaboli: i databases MEI e TEXT-inc (15cBOOKTRADE Team)
- 22 March 2016: Salamanca University, MEI training Workshop (Geri Della Rocca de Candal)
- 28 January 2016: New York, Columbia University, Butler Library, MEI training day and CERL presentation for American Libraries (C. Dondi)
- 27, 29 January, 2, 4 & 13 February 2016, Venice, Liceo Classico Marco Polo; San Donà di Piave, Liceo Classico Eugenio Montale; Portogruaro, Liceo Classico XXV Aprile, as part of the outreach programme of Greek Studies in 15th Century Europe, a Marie Curie individual project (2015-17) held by Paola Tomè and based at the Medieval and Modern Languages Faculty, University of Oxford. Sabrina Minuzzi: Lo studio dei primi testi a stampa attraverso il 15cBOOKTRADE e alcune basi dati on line: Tucidide, Demostene e gli Erotemata di Chrysoloras tra XV e XVI secolo. See Introduzione [slides] Interventi [slides]; Matilde Malaspina: Strumenti digitali per lo studio dei primi testi a stampa: i casi di Museo ed Esopo attraverso il 15cBOOKTRADE Project. See Interventi [slides]
- 26 October 2015 University of Antwerp, Workshop on MEI (C. Dondi – Alexander Jahnke – M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni), coordinated by the Flanders Heritage Library
- 21 July 2015, Oxford, DHOxSS [Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School] – Tracking the distribution, use, and collecting of books in the 15th century and to the present: the Material Evidence in Incunabula database, within the Workshop: Digital Approaches in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, coordinated by Judith Siefring, Bodleian Digital Library Systems (C. Dondi – Geri Della Rocca De Candal – Matilde Malaspina – M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni)
- 21 May, Oxford, Visiting Scholars’ Centre, Weston Library, Bodleian Fellows Seminar, The methods of data collection and documentation that the 15th Century Booktrade project is using to build historical evidence based on library holdings of incunables (Geri Della Rocca De Candal)
- 6 May 2015, Roma, Università La Sapienza, Strumenti digitali per la ricerca storica sul libro a stampa del 15 secolo: ISTC, GW, Material Evidence in Incunabula, Text-inc, Image-matching, Visualisation
A lecture on the 15cBOOKTRADE for the course of Alberto Petrucciani, Prof. of Archivistica, Bibliografia e Biblioteconomia (C. Dondi) - 29 April 2015, Oxford, Weston Library, The Trade in Printed Books: in Ingenious Innovation that Changed the Western World, part of a lecture series which accompanies the Exhibition ‘Marks of Genius, Masterpieces from the Collections of the Bodleian Libraries’ (C. Dondi)
- 28 Apr. 2015, Tours, Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, Réunion CIA, Presentation of MEI (C. Dondi)
- 11 Mar. 2015, London, The Warburg Institute, A coordinated approach to recording and searching provenance records and images: moving forwards. A Conference organised by the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of IFLA, 15cBOOKTRADE, CILIP, and CERL (organisers: C. Dondi and Raphaële Mouren)
- 21-22 Jan. 2015 New York, Columbia University, Butler Library, MEI training day and CERL presentation for American Libraries (C. Dondi and John Lancaster).
- 6-9 December 2016: Vilnius (Lithuania), University Library, presentation and training to Lithuanian libraries (Geri Della Rocca de Candal)
- 24-27 Nov. 2014, Rome, Conferenza episcopale italiana, Segnalare le provenienze degli incunaboli attraverso MEI – Material Evidence in Incunabula. A training course for librarians of Italian Ecclesiastical libraries, part of the network Polo Biblioteche Ecclesiatiche (Mons. Stefano Russo, Francesca D’Agnelli, Paul Gabriele Weston, Paola Sverzellati, Martina Pezzoni, C. Dondi, Alessandra Panzanelli, Sabrina Minuzzi, Adalbert Roth and BAVIC Team)
- 14, 21, 28 Nov.- 5 Dec. 2014, Milan, Regione Lombardia, Gli incunaboli Lombardi e il progetto internazionale Material Evidence in incunabula (MEI). Corso di aggiornamento per bibliotecari (org. CRELEB and Regione Lombardia)
- 3-6 Nov. 2014, Naples, Biblioteca e Complesso dei Padri Vincenziani, Conoscere, catalogare e descrivere il patrimonio librario del XV secolo – 2a edizione, Incunabula Autumn School 2014 (on MEI, Edoardo Barbieri and Natale Vacalebre – CRELEB)
- 17 Sept. 2014, SHARP Conference 2014 Antwerp: CERL Workshop on Historical Provenance Research: Material Evidence, Documentary Evidence, and Digital Humanities (C. Dondi and others) Full programme on
- 24-26 June 2014, Venice, Biblioteca dello Studium Generale Marcianum, in associazione con Associazione dei Bibliotecari Ecclesiastici Italiani (ABEI), Il Libro Religioso Antico. Esperienze e progetti di conoscenza e valorizzazione: Progetti di valorizzazione del libro antico religioso (on MEI, Natale Vacalebre – CRELEB)
- 18 Mar. 2014, Edinburgh National Library: CERL Workshop for Scottish Librarians
- 6-7 Mar. 2014, Perugia, Biblioteca di Agraria “Mario Marte”, University of Perugia: ‘Valorizzare le collezioni di edizioni del XV secolo. La Banca dati MEI: introduzione all’uso, esperienze a confronto e pratica, con una lezione sulla legatura ed un’appendice sulla conservazione’. A collaboration of the Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (AIB) Umbria Section, the Working Group on Rare Books of AIB (AIB-Libro Antico), the Working Group “Libri Rari e Collezioni Speciali” of the University of Perugia and the Società Bibliografica Toscana (Speakers: A. Panzanelli, E. Di Renzo, I. Zanella, C. Razzolini, M. Fornaciari da Passano, L. Ruga, N. Vacalebre. Co-organizers: A. Panzanelli, S. Boldrini, R. De Martino, M. Fiore, B. Spaterna; P. Arrigoni, C. Martone, C. Puglisi, L. Ruggero, F. Sabba)
- 24 Feb. 2014, 10.15-13.00, London, Victoria & Albert Museum Print Room: Workshop on printing in Europe 1450-1500, part of the Option ‘Technological Cultures’ (convenor Simona Valeriani), for the Master course in History of design (Royal College of Art and V&A), specialism in Renaissance and Early Modern.
- 6-9 December 2016: Vilnius (Lithuania), University Library, presentation and training to Lithuanian libraries (Geri Della Rocca de Candal)