Papers at Conferences and Seminars


7-9 July 2022, Turin Biblioteca storica della Corte d’Appello, Law Books in Medieval and Early Modern Europe. Works and Texts, Authors and Scribes, Printers and Readers, org. Alessandra Panzanelli (C. Dondi, Chair: Acta, Agenda, and Round-Table)

17 June 2022 The British Library, Italian Studies Library Group, ‘Mapping the early Italian book heritage around the UK: From distribution to dispersal’, in Italian Collections in UK Libraries: Past, Present & Future. Study Day (C. Dondi)

14 June 2022 Brussels, Royal Library and Arenberg Foundation, ‘The reconstruction of the dispersed early European book heritage: a long-term collaborative endeavour’, presentation of Elly Cockx-Indestege and Pierre Delsaerdt, Le gout de la bibliophilie nationale. La collection de livres rares et précieux de ducs d’Arenberg à Bruxelles, XIXe-XXe siècles, 2 vols, Turnhout: Brepols (Bibliologia 61) (C. Dondi)

9-10 June 2022, Rome, La Sapienza [remote], ‘Iniziative del progetto 15cBOOKTRADE e del CERL per la creazione e il riuso collaborativo di risorse digitali (ricerca, divulgazione, formazione), in Fare per non sprecare. Nei laboratori del riuso digitale, org. Gianfranco Crupi, Paola Castellucci, and Antonella Sbrilli (C. Dondi)

25 Apr. 2022 Oxford, Bodleian Library, Celebration of 20 years of Lyell Fellowships.‘The European Printing Revolution’, in The Book at the Bodleian: Whence, Where, Whither? (C. Dondi)

19 Apr. 2022 London Bibliographical Society, Graham Pollard Memorial Lecture: ‘The Zornale of Francesco de Madiis (1484-88). The end of the tunnel’ (Cristina Dondi and Neil Harris)

28-29 Mar. 2022 E-campus Università [remote], ‘Il censimento illustrato della prima edizione fiorentina della Commedia (1481): distribuzione e primi lettori’, in Voci d’inchiostro. Per un studio dei limina nei manoscritti della Commedia. I segni e le note marginali sui manoscritti medievali come nuovo oggetto di ricerca (C. Dondi)

21-23 Feb. 2022 Heidelberg University, Between Manuscript and Print. Transitions, Simultaneities and the Question of Shifting Meanings: Snooping around in other people’s business. Itinerary among the manuscript notes on Hebrew incunabula (Marco Bertagna)

10 Feb. 2022, Rome, La Sapienza,  Dottorato in Scienze documentarie, linguistiche, e letterarie. Curriculum in Scienze del libro e del documento, Prof. Gianfranco Crupi [remote]; Il censimento illustrato degli esemplari come metodologia storiografica (C. Dondi)

20 Jan. 2022, Rome, La Sapienza, Seminario della Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archivistici e Librari, prof. Francesca Manzari [remote]; Manoscritti e libri a stampa liturgici nella ricostruzione del patrimonio librario disperso: il mio percorso (C. Dondi)


1 Oct. 2021 Washington DC, National Gallery of Art, The Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts [remote]: Fragments and Frameworks: Illuminated Manuscripts and Illustrated Books in Digital Humanities (org. Therese O’Malley and Matthew Westerby): Books as Fragments of Libraries – Illustrations as Fragments of Books: A Digital Illustrated Census of Dante’s Comedia (1481) (C. Dondi)

30 Sept. 2021 CERL Provenance Working Group online seminar, ‘Provenance Evidence in Book History’ (C.Dondi)

20-22 Sept. 2021 University of Barcelona [remote], The Making of the Humanities Conference: The History of the Book and Libraries: from bibliophilia to social and economic history (C. Dondi – key note)

2 Mar. 2021, MEI Seminar [remote]

Incunabula treasure hunt: challenges and rewards of research in Greek libraries (Vera Andriopoulou, Kleopatra Kyrtata, Angeliki Papadopoulou, Curators of Special Collections, Historical Library, Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Greece)

Cataloguing Memmingen Incunabula – some highlights (Claire Bolton)

Bringing new insights to the British Library’s incunabula collection with MEI (John Goldfinch, London)

The Libro de los Epítomes and the Library of Hernando Colón (Matilde Malaspina, University of Copenhagen)

“… incepi facere construere librariam istam”. New findings from the incunabula of Turin (Fabio Uliana, Turin Biblioteca Nazionale Universitaria, Chiara Rosso and Alessandra Panzanelli, University of Turin)

27 Jan. 2021 MEI Seminar (CERL Alumni present their research) [remote]

Cataloguing the incunabula collection of Lambeth Palace Library in the Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) database

(Angeline Rais -London Lambeth Palace 2014/15; Post-doctoral Research Fellow, CULTIVATE MSS Project, Institute of English Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London)

My last five years in a nutshell, 2016-2021  (Laura Carnelos – Marie Curie with CERL/BL/ICCU 2016-18; Library Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts, Eton College Library)

Printers’ catalogues and lost editions in the bibliographical works of Conrad Gesner (Ester Peric – Cambridge UL 2017/18; Phd student, SSM (Scuola Superiore Meridionale), University of Naples “Federico II”)

Treasures in private and ecclesiastical collections in Central-Eastern Europe (Krisztina Rábai – Edinburgh NL 2017/18; Assistant Professor in the Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences at the University of Szeged, Hungary)

Cutting and Pasting Chaucer: Beinecke +9661 (James Misson – Yale 2017/18; 2018/19; Research Assistant in Digital Humanities, the University of Geneva)

A puzzling phenomenon: set-offs in early printing (Elena Fogolin – Huntington 2018/19; PhD student, Università degli Studi di Udine, Department of Humanities and Cultural Heritage / Johannes Gutenberg Universität of Mainz, Gutenberg-Institute/Book Studies)

The reconstruction of the dispersed library of the Augustinian convent of Santa Maria del Popolo (Rome) from 16th-century inventories (Lucrezia Signorello – The Hague 2018/19; PhD student in “Documentation Studies, Linguistics and Literature” at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”)

Engravings in early Italian printed books: a university research project (Marianna Morreale – Cambridge UL 2018/19; Second year, ‘Scuola di Specializzazione’ in Archive and Library Heritage, Rome Università La Sapienza)

The incunabula of the Laurenziana Library of Florence: transferring provenance data from printed catalogue to MEI (Camilla Marangoni – remote, 2019/20; Master’s degree in Archaeology and Art History, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milan and Rosa Parlavecchia – remote, 2019/20; Postdoctoral researcher at ICCU and contract professor of Printing History at the University of Salerno)

Material Evidence in the Incunabula of the University of Groningen Library (Anna de Bruyn – remote, 2019/20; PhD student at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands)

Cataloguing the incunabula of the Metropolitan Seminary Library in Warsaw into MEI (Martyna Osuch – Metropolitan Seminary Library in Warsaw, 2019/20; Special collections librarian in the Early Printed Books Department, University of Warsaw Library; PhD student, University of Warsaw (first year of Interdisciplinary Doctoral School))


    • 30 Aug. – 2 Sept. 2020, EUPRIO, Trieste, Communicating the European Printing Revolution 1450-1500, in Science Communication. How to Engage Nowadays (C. Dondi) [postponed to 2021]
    • 23 June 2020, University of Turin, Riscrivere la rivoluzione della stampa. Il 15cBOOKTRADE, un patrimonio di risorse, un network internazionale di biblioteche e ricercatori, in Digital Tools and Groundbreaking Methodologies for the History of Libraries (C. Dondi and M. Malaspina) [delivered remotely]  click on ‘Giugno’ to access the video.
    • 11 June 2020, Bibliographical Society of America, Webinar: Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) in the United States (C. Dondi)
  • 2 June 2020, Embassy of Italy in London, Webinar #ItalyRestArt: From the dawn of printing to digital access.The benefits of making books available to everybody. The 1476 edition of the De Civitate Dei – a journey from Subiaco to London (Ambassador Raffaele Trombetta, Marc Polonsky, C. Dondi, moderated by Jon Snow)
  • 29 May 2020, Italian Studies Library Group, London BL, in Italian Collections in the UK: past, present and future (C. Dondi) [cancelled]
  • 23 Apr. 2020, University of Florence, Percorso di Eccellenza sulle Eredità Culturali a.a. 2019/2020: Il nero nella stampa (C. Dondi) [delivered remotely]
  • March-May 2020 [remote] University of Udine, Scuola Superiore, Seminario di Storia: Storia del Libro, with Prof. Neil Harris, Incunabolistica pestilenziale, 28 hours, with guest speakers
  • 2 Apr. 2020, Renaissance Society of America, Philadelphia, Marginalia, Annotation, and Other Marks: What is the State of the Field? a round table (C. Dondi, Regan Kladstrop, Sara Miglietti, Adam Shear, Matthew Symonds, Neil Weijer, Chair: Earle Havens) [postponed to 2021]
  • 13 Mar. 2020, Museo Egizio, Turin, The digital resources created by the 15cBOOKTRADE Project for the study of early printed books as historical sources. An evidence-based re-assessment of the impact of the printing revolution in IM/MATERIALITIES. Museums between real and digital. International conference “Archeologia invisibile” (C. Dondi) [postponed to 2021]
  • 10 Mar. 2020, University of Turin, Riscrivere la rivoluzione della stampa. Il 15cBOOKTRADE, un patrimonio di risorse, un network internazionale di biblioteche e ricercatori, in Digital Tools and Groundbreaking Methodologies for the History of Libraries (C. Dondi) [postponed]
  • March-May 2020, University of Udine, Scuola Superiore, Seminario di Storia: Storia del Libro, Incunabolistica pestilenziale (C. Dondi and Neil Harris, with guest speakers; 28 hours)
  • 3 Mar. 2020, University of Florence, Lectio magistralis, La mappatura dell’antico patrimonio librario italiano nel mondo: tra distribuzione e dispersione / The mapping of the early Italian book heritage around the world: from distribution to dispersal (C. Dondi) [delivered remotely] Permalink:


        • 18-20 Nov. 2019, Naples University and Centro Pio Rajna, Circolazione e uso delle edizioni quattrocentesche della ‘Commedia’: dal libro dei conti di Francesco de Madiis e dalla banca dati Material Evidence in Incunabula in Le forme dei libri e le tradizioni dei testi. Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio (C. Dondi)
        • 12 Nov. 2019, London, Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy, SOAS, Information, knowledge and the modern world in Symposium on the critical role of Interdisciplinary thinking (C. Dondi)
        • 9 Oct. 2019, Vilnius, Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, Same size, opposite formation: the incunabula collections of Lithuania and Greece as an example of radically different collecting patterns in “Experiences of Documentary Heritage Research and Dissemination in European Libraries” (G. Della Rocca de Candal)
        • 15 July 2019, Oxford, Digitizing the Stage, Bodleian Library – Folger Shakespeare Library, Plenary (C. Dondi)
        • 21 June 2019, Oxford, Oxford Bibliographical Society Annual Lecture, Running a ERC project in the History of the Book: reflections on the 15cBOOKTRADE Project five years on (C. Dondi)
        • 31 May 2019, Budapest, National Széchényi Library, A Database to Track the Production and Circulation of Printed Images in Incunables and 16th-century Books in “Digital Technologies in the Investigation of Handwritten and Printed Heritage” (Matilde Malaspina; G. Della Rocca de Candal chair)
        • 30 May 2019, Naples, Biblioteca Statale Oratoriana dei Girolamini, “Incunaboli napoletani a Napoli e nel mondo…e lo strumento per ricongiungerli: Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI)” in Libri, lettori, provenienze. Seminario di studi, and Presentazione del Catalogo: Gli incunaboli della Biblioteca Oratoriana dei Girolamini. Un primo catalogo, Roma: Salerno editrice, 2019 (C. Dondi)
        • 28 May 2019, Oxford, Weston Library, The Greek book: from papyrus to print, Early-printed Greek books (15th century) (G. Della Rocca de Candal)
        • 3-4 May 2019, Harvard University, Department of the Classics, The Output of the Earliest Greek Press: Circulation and Use of Laonikos’s and Alexandros’s Batrachomyomachia and Psalterium (Venice, 1486) in “From Byzantium to the Early Greek Enlightenment: Books, Authors, and Ideologies in Early Modern Greek Contexts (15th-18th c.). International Conference In Memory of Evro Layton” (Geri Della Rocca de Candal)
        • 13 April 2019, Athens, Aikaterini Laskaridis Foundation, Understanding and communicating the impact of the printing revolution on European society: our collaborative long-term project, in “One book, six centuries of history: editions from the dawn of printing in the libraries of Athens” (C. Dondi)
        • 27 March 2019, The Hague, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, Workshop: Computer Vision in Book History, Tracking the movement of 15th-century illustration with 15cILLUSTRATION (A. Dutta, C. Dondi, M. Malaspina)
        • 17 Mar. 2019, Toronto, Renaissance Society of America, Roundtable: “Researching Provenance in a Digital World”, with speakers from the Frick Collection of New York, National Gallery of Washington, National Gallery of London, Getty Institute, Villa I Tatti–The Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies.
        • 25 February 2019, Oxford, Italian Renaissance Seminar
          • M. Malaspina, Aesop’s Fables in the 15th-century Veneto, in manuscript (BL 10389) and print
        • 5 February 2019: Warwick, Centre for the Study of the Renaissance, STVDIO Seminar, “Communicating high-end research to the general public: the exhibition Printing Revolution at the Correr Museum in Venice” (C. Dondi)
        • 19 January 2019, Radboud University, 2nd MEDIATE conference: Private Libraries and Private Library Inventories: 1665-1830: Locating, Studying and Understanding Sources
          • M. van Delft (KB The Hague), Private Libraries and the Material Evidence in Incunabula Database


        •  26 November 2018: Oxford, Italian Postgraduate Seminar, “Communicating high-end research to the general public: the exhibition Printing Revolution at the Correr Museum in Venice” (C. Dondi)
        • 19-21 September, Venice, Palazzo Ducale, “PRINTING R-EVOLUTION AND SOCIETY 1450-1500. FIFTY YEARS THAT CHANGED EUROPE”
          • C. Dondi, From the Corpus Juris to ‘psalterioli da puti’, on parchment, bound, gilt … The price of any book sold in Venice 1484-1488
          • M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, Printing the Law in the 15th century, with a focus on Corpus Juris Civilis and the works of Bartolus de Saxoferrato
          • G. Della Rocca de Candal, Printing in Greek before Aldus Manutius
          • S. Minuzzi, Printing Medicine in the 15th century, with a focus on the distribution and use of Materia Medica books
          • M. Bertagna, R. Fronda, A. Gordin, The distribution and use of Hebrew early printed books in Europe
          • M. Malaspina and A. Dutta,The use and reuse of printed illustrations in 15th century Venetian editions
        • 29 June, Greifswald, Alfried Gruppe Wissenschaftskollege, “Gutenberg 550 – Ergebnisse und Perspektiven der Inkunabelforschung”
          • C. Dondi, In and out of Libraries: Tracking the Movement of Incunabula over Time and Space
        • 30 May 2018, Rome, “Digitization and libraries: the future of the past”, organised by the Bodleian Libraries and the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana (Conference Centre, Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum) <>
          • C. Dondi speaker in Session two (The future of digital libraries): Using digitizations to advance scholarship and promote wider dissemination
        • 20 April 2018, Oxford, Lincoln College, “Printing and Misprinting: Typographical Mistakes and Publishers’ Corrections (1450-1650)”
          • G. Della Rocca de Candal & P. Sachet, Manus Manutii: Corrections in the Aldine Press
        • 14 March 2018, Zurich, ETH, “Visual Approaches to Cultural Heritage”
          • C. Dondi and M. Malaspina, Tracking and visualising the circulation of books and of illustrations: 15cV and 15cILLUSTRATION
        • 30 January 2018, Frankfurt am Main, Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, “Circulation and Organization of Normative Knowledge in Early Modern Times”
          • M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, Legal Texts in the Age of Print: Their Production and Distribution within the 15cBOOKTRADE <>


        • 13 December 2017, Seminario di storia della scienza e della medicina (Roma Tre, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici)
          • S. Minuzzi, Cold cases unveiled. Tracce di lettori, usi e riusi dei libri di Materia Medica attraverso MEI
        • 28 November 2017, New Sources for Book History: The Combined Methodological Approach for the Study of Manuscript and Printed Books (London, British Library)
          • S. Minuzzi, New tricks for provenance lost in miscellanies: documentary evidence, coloured edges and historical catalogues in MEI
          • C. Dondi, From liturgical data to historical evidence in the study of Books of Hours
        • 17-18 November 2017, Paris, École des chartes, “Hommage á Henri-Jean Martin”
          • C. Dondi, Lessons learned: the collaborative effort for more and better data (MEI)
        • 9 November 2017, Cambridge, Italian Research Seminar
          • C. Dondi, 15cBOOKTRADE: understanding the movement of our book heritage
        • 12-15 October 2017, ‘Bibliography among the Disciplines’ conference (Philadelphia, PA)
          • M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni – M. Malaspina, Visual Recognition, Image-matching and Digital Annotation: Early Printed Book Illustrations within the 15cBOOKTRADE Project, Session on ‘Tools for Data Analysis and Visualization’ (13 Oct) <>
        • 20-21 September 2017, Selling & Collecting. Printed Book Sale  Catalogues and Private Libraries in Early Modern Europe (Cagliari)
          • M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Building an Up-to-date Library: Prospero Podiani’s Use of Booksellers’ Catalogues, with Special Reference to Law Books 
        • 26-30 July 2017, Summer school ‘The history of printed book illustration’ (Oxford, Bodleian Library)
          •  M. Malaspina, guest lecture (title to be confirmed);
        • 21 June 2017, Iowa City RBMS 2017: The Future of Bibliographic Data—New Discoveries from the Study of the Oldest Printed Books (org. Greg Prickman, Atlas of Early Printing; C. Dondi, 15cBOOKTRADE; O. Duntze, GW; K. Limper-Herz, ISTC)
        • 15 – 16 June 2017, Trento, Istituto Storico italo-germanico, Crossing Borders, Crossing Cultures. Popular Print in Europe (1450-1900) – The ‘European Dimensions of Popolar Print Culture’ Conference:
          • C. Dondi, Were cheap books popular books in the Venice of the printing revolution? 
          • S. Minuzzi, Being Popular in Print: long-standing and widespread Health Advices through the 15cBOOKTRADE Tools
        • 21 May, 2017, Oxford Bibliographical Society
          • M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, Reconstructing dispersed collections: Burney and Consul Smith in the British Library 
        • 9 May, 2017, University of Perugia, Department of Law: “Conversazioni Bartoliane. In ricordo di Severino Caprioli”
          • M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, Bartolo in tipografia: le edizioni del Quattrocento
        • 19-22 Apr. 2017, University of Padua, 6th Annual Scientiae Conference on Disciplines of Knowing in the Early Modern World 
          • S. Minuzzi, Artisans of Medicinal Secrets and Knowledge Circulation in Early Modern Venice
        • 21 April 2017, Yale, Beinecke Library, CERL Seminar: Retracing the Steps from the Old to the New World
          • C. Dondi, 15cBOOKTRADE digital tools
        • 10 Apr. 2017, Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, seminario nell’ambito del corso di Storia culturale [prof. M. Infelise]
          • S. Minuzzi, Storia culturale e identità fra i margini: come leggere e dare senso agli interventi manoscritti su erbari e cronache a stampa
        • 6-7 Apr. 2017, Loughborough University, Association of Art Historians 43rd Annual Conference and Art Book Fair 
          • M. Malaspina, Visual recognition, image matching and digital annotation. Early printed book illustrations and the 15th-century Booktrade Project 
        • 20-21 Mar. 2017, Athens, Laskaridis Foundation and Gennadius Library, Opening up private and religious collections to scholarship (Geri Della Rocca de Candal – org. and C. Dondi)
        • 23-25 Feb. 2017, Foligno-Perugia, VI Centenario Frezziano [conference on Federico Frezzi]
          • M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, La fortuna del “Quadriregio” nelle sue prime edizioni a stampa  
        • 1 Feb. 2017, Oxford, Late Medieval Europe Seminar (convenors Oren Margolis, Natalia Nowakowska, Hannah Skoda, John Watts)
          • C. Dondi, The economic dimension of early printing: book prices in Venice 1484-1488, from the Zornale of Francesco de Madiis
        • 20 Jan. 2017, Paris, Histoire des Bibliothèques Anciennes, (CNRS-IHRT;
          • M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, «De Bibliothecis instituendis, disponendis et informandis» by Prospero Podiani (1535-1615)


        • 10-11 November 2016, Prague, Charles University, Medical Knowledge and Publication Strategies in European Perspective, 1500-1800 (org. Dr. Karel Černý and Dr. Jeroen Salman), Session: Regulation and Value Attribution
          • Sabrina Minuzzi, Privileges, Medical Authorship and Knowledge Dissemination in 15th-16th century Venice
        • 20-22 October 2016, Perugia, Università degli StudiSixième Atelier Heloïse – Sixth Workshop Heloïse
          • C. Dondi, The visualisation of the reception of university texts printed in the 15th century – The 15cBOOKTRADE Project and its databases and web applications
          • M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, University texts printed in the 15th century: Their production and transmission in  print – The 15cBOOKTRADE Project and its databases and web applications
        • 23 September 2016, Cambridge, Trinity College: The reception of the church fathers and early church historians, c.1470-1650 (org. Andreas Ammann, Sam Kennerley, Kirsten Mcfarlane)
          • C. Dondi, The circulation of the early editions of the Fathers: an evidence-based approach
        • 19 July 2016, Paris, 24th Annual Conference of the Society for the History of Authorship, Reading & Publishing (SHARP), Session: The Languages of the Medical Book. New Perspectives on the Medical Book Trade from the 15th to the 19th Century:
          • Sabrina Minuzzi, A 15th century vernacular regimen sanitatis in verse. Author, Printers and Readers of the ‘Cibaldone’
        • 6 June 2016, London, British Library Seminar on Textual Bibliography for Modern Foreign Languages:
          • M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Illustrations in Early Printed Books from Perugia: Imitation, Re-Use and Original Production
        • 20 May 2016, London, Wellcome Library, Incunabula and Medicine Seminar:
          • Sabrina Minuzzi, Everyone has his own Cibaldone? Text transmission and copy-specific features of a fifteenth-century vernacular regimen sanitatis
        • 3 May 2016, University of Warwick, STVDIO Seminar:
          • M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Towards the Corpus of Texts Printed in the 15th century. The Text-inc database: how it works and some first results


        • 1 Dec 2015, Perugia, Palazzo dei Priori, Prospero Podiani e la Biblioteca Augusta:
          • M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Dedicato ad Apollo e alle Muse: Podiani e l’ambizioso progetto di una biblioteca pubblica nell’Italia di fine Cinquecento
        • 27 Oct. 2015, University of Antwerp, CERL-Seminar ‘Library History: Why, What, When?’:
          • Cristina Dondi and M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Researching the origin of Perugia’s Public Library (1582-1623) before and after Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI)
        • 23 Oct. 2015, Oxford, Weston Library, The New Boccaccio: Scribe, Scholar, Reader:
          • Matilde Malaspina: From Florence, to Venice, via Naples: the manuscript and early printed transmission of Boccaccio’s ‘Genealogia deorum gentilium’
        • 13 Oct. 2015, Eton College:
          • Cristina Dondi and Geri Della Rocca De Candal: Aldine incunabula: mapping the distribution, use, and collecting of the earliest production of Aldus Manutius
        • 2 Oct. 2015, Bibliothèque municipale de Caen, Le livre ancien italien dans les fonds patrimoniaux normands : quels usages des conservateurs et des chercheurs (Monique Hylvey) including a presentation of MEI.
        • 7 Aug. 2015, University of Vienna, 16th International Congress of the International Association of Neo-Latin Studies. Session: New Perspectives in Text Studies: Digital Frontiers for the History of the Book and the Interpretation of the Text: Incunabula Circulation in Humanistic Europe:
          • Sabrina Minuzzi, La circolazione degli incunaboli nell’Europa Umanistica: il caso dell’Orthographia di Giovanni Tortelli.
        • 21 Jul. 2015, Oxford, DHOxSS [Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School]. Workshop: Digital Approaches in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, coordinated by Judith Siefring, Bodleian Digital Library Systems:
          • Geri Della Rocca De Candal, Tracking the distribution, use, and collecting of books in the 15th century and to the present: the Material Evidence in Incunabula database.
          • Matilde Malaspina, Early Printed Illustrations of Aesopian Texts. New Research Tools for Analysis within the ‘15cBOOKTRADE Project’.
          • M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Tracking the transmission of texts in the 15th century: the TEXT-inc database.
        • 2-5 Jul. 2015, Oxford, St Anne’s College. Telling Tales: Manuscripts, Books and the Making of Narrative, Early Book Society Biennial Conference.
          • Session III, New resources for studying early printing:
            • Geri Della Rocca De Candal, Tracking the Reception, Use and Collecting of Texts in the 15th century and to the Present. the Material Evidence in Incunabula database.
            • M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, Tracking the transmission of texts in the 15th century: the TEXT-inc database.
          • Session XXIV, Printing in Italy:
            • Matilde Malaspina, Early printed illustrations of Aesopian texts: an analysis within the ‘15cBOOKTRADE Project’.
          • 1 Jul. 2015, Leicester, De Montfort University, Centre for Textual Studies, Reading Copy Specific Features: Producers, Readers & Owners of Incunabula:
            • Cristina Dondi, On the 15cBOOKTRADE Project in Reading Copy-Specific Features: Producers, Readers and Owners of Incunabula
          • 24 Jun. 2015, London Senate House, LIBER Forum for Digital Cultural Heritage workshop on image recognition:
            • Matilde Malaspina, Early Printed Illustrations of Aesopian Texts. An analysis within the ’15cBOOKTRADE Project.
          • 12 Jun. 2105, Oxford, Merton College, History of the Book Group meeting for Trinity Term 2015:
            • Geri della Rocca de Candal. A selection of incunabula from the collection of Merton College.
          • 20 May 2015, Krakow, Jagellonian University, Lecture:
            • Neil Harris, A Venetian Bookshop at Rialto, 1484-1488. The Zornale of Francesco de Madiis (Marciana Library, ms. Ital. XI, 45 (7439)).
          • 19 Apr. 2015, Venice, San Francesco Della Vigna, ‘Per Aldo 1515-2015’, Special Ed. of the ‘Cattedre Ambulanti’ di CHARTA:

            • M. Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni, I Possessori degli Incunaboli Aldini della British Library.
          • 26 Mar. 2015, Berlin, Renaissance Society of America, various sessions:
            • The Booktrade in the Archives: from Printshops to Bookshops, organized by Caroline Duroselle-Melish [Harvard Univ]:
              • Cristina Dondi, Selling Printed Books in 15th-century Venice: the day-book of Francesco de Madiis.
            • Digital Approaches to Printed-Book Illustration, organized and chaired by Cristina Dondi:
              • Clementina Piazza, University of Oxford Software and Methods to Support the Investigation of the Circulation of Illustration by Reusing and Copying;
              • Matilde Malaspina, Image-matching Technology applied to 15c Woodcut Illustrations. An Analysis within the 15cBOOKTRADE Project;
              • Alexandra Franklin, University of Oxford Human Vision, Computer Memory: Integrating Image Analysis into the Cataloguing of Illustrations
          • 26 Mar. 2015, Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Lecture:
            • Neil Harris, Il lettore italiano del Rinascimento. Profilo di un consumatore.
          • 23-24 Feb. 2015, Göttingen, Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek; Workshop ‘Scientific Questions about Provenance and Their Requirements for Future Web and Database Representation of Cultural and Scientific Collections’:
            • Cristina Dondi: The Use of Provenance Evidence to Track the Movement of Books across Space and Time, and the Corollary Need to Gather and Search Images od Provenance.


        • 19-21 Nov. 2014, Madrid, Colloquium “Latin Classics at the Dawn of Printing”:
          • Cristina Dondi, ISTC, TEXT-inc, and Material Evidence in Incunabula: Working on the early transmission of Classical texts in print, their dissemination, and reception]
        • 16 Nov. 2014, London, 36th Annual Conference in Book Trade History: Bookshops in the History of the Trade:
          • Cristina Dondi with Neil Harris, When Antiquarian Books were New. The Daily Activity of a Bookshop in Venice, 1484-88, through the Zornale of Francesco de Madiis.
        • 29 Sep. – 1 Oct. 2014, Wolfenbüttel, Herzog August Library, Wolfenbüttel Working Group for Library, Book and Media History “Database-supported bibliographies, book catalogues and source materials”:
          • Cristina Dondi, Booksellers’ archival sources for an insight on contemporary sales, prices, and use: the “Zornale” of Francesco de Madis, Venice 1484-88.
        • 17 Sep. 2014, Antwerp, SHARP Conference, Pre-SHARP CERL Workshop:
          • Cristina Dondi with M. van Delft, M. Lefferts, M. Hulvey, P. Cullhed, and N. Harris, Historical Provenance Research: Material Evidence, Documentary Evidence, and Digital Humanities []
        • 27 May 2014, Venice, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Lecture:
          • Cristina Dondi with Neil Harris, Una libreria a Rialto dal 1484 al 1488. Il Zornale di Francesco de Madiis (Ms. Ital. XI, 45 (7439)) []
        • 12 May 2014, Oxford Bibliographical Society:
          • Cristina Dondi, To Think Again at the First Printing Revolution – With both Eyes on Books, Trade, Prices, and Use.
        • 31 Mar. – 2 Apr. 2014, Oxford, All Souls College, Transforming the Early Modern Republic of Letters: Literature, Learning, Logic, Books. A Conference in Honour of Ian Maclean:
          • Cristina Dondi, To think again about the first printing revolution — with both eyes on the books.
        • 27 Mar. 2014, Paris, Sorbonne, Séminaire du Laboratoire de Médiévistique occidentale de Paris (=LAMOP): Codicologie quantitative et sociologie du livre médiéval:
          • Cristina Dondi, The 15th-century Book Trade: An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance