Here is provided a bibliography and useful links to research tools and scholarly literature. This list is by no means exhaustive, but designed to give an overview and initial access to work practices.
- Palaeography
- Place identifications
- Provenance (tracking info on former owners)
- Textual Criticism
- Textual Transmission
- General Studies on the History of the Early Printed Book
- Catalogues, Repertories, and Databases
- From manuscript to printed book
- Printing and the support trade
- Intellectual, economic, and political support to the printing industry
- The printed text: subjects, language, lay-out, formats, illustration
- From the press to the library: ateliers of decoration
- From the press to the library: who bought what
- Studies in Readership
- Projects on readership
- Useful Websites
Adriano Cappelli, Dizionario di Abbreviature latine ed italiane, Milan, Ulrico Hoepli, 1985 (6th ed.).
Dated and Datable manuscripts series: Catalogues produced in most European countries and North America.
CERL Portal = a metaOpac to access several electronic catalogues of manuscripts, both medieval and modern, and to search manuscripts and printed books together.
Place identifications
Graesse, Orbis Latinus digital version of original transcription
Provenance (tracking info on former owners)
Provenance website of CERL, with links to:
Paul Needham, Index Possessorum Incunabulorum (=IPI)
Margaret Ford, Early books Owners in Britain
Online resources
CERL Thesaurus of Authorship / Provenance
Bod-inc online
INKA (48 integrated German catalogues of incunabula)
COLLÉGIALES: Base de Collégiales séculières de France (816-1563) by LAMOP
LombardiaBeniCulturali: Inventory of Religious Institutions of the region
Textual Criticism
L. D. Reynolds and N. G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars. A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1968 (3rd ed. 1991), chapter 6.
Textual Transmission
L. D. Reynolds and N. G. Wilson, Scribes and Scholars. A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1968 (3rd ed. 1991), chapters 3-5.
E. Ph. Goldschmidt, Medieval Texts and Their First Appearance in Print, London: The Bibliographical Society 1943.
R. Sharpe, Titulus. Identifying Medieval Latin Texts. An Evidence-Based Approach, Turnhout: Brepols 2003.
General Studies on the History of the Early Printed Book
L. Febvre and H.-J. Martin, L’apparition du livre (1958); English tr. The coming of the book (1976).
H.-J. Martin, R. Chartier, Histoire de l’Edition française. En collaboration avec J.-P. Vivet, 4 vols (1982-86).
C. Dondi, ‘The European Printing Revolution’, in: The Oxford Companion to the Book, ed. M.F. Suarez and H.R. Woudhuysen, 2 vols, Oxford: OUP 2010, pp. I 53-61; also articles on the History of the Book in France (Vincent Giroud), Germany (J. Flood), the Iberian Peninsula (M.L. Lopez Vidriero), Italy (N. Harris).
Now reprinted in The Book. A Global History, ed. Michael F. Suarez and Henry Woudhuysen (Oxford, 2013), pp. 80-91.
Rudolph Hirsch, Printing, Selling and Reading 1450-1550 (2nd ed.) Wiesbaden 1974.
Articles by Coq, Deblock, Kallendorf, Needham, Reske, Eisermann, Taurant-Boulicaut in the section: ‘2: Les berceux de l’imprimerie en Europe’, in: Les trois révolutions du livre, Catalogue de l’exposition du musée des Arts et Métiers, 8 octobre 2002 – 5 janvier 2003, sous la direction de Alain Mercier, Paris: Musée des Arts et Métiers, Imprimerie nationale Éditions 2002, pp. 163-274.
Paul Needham’s review of E. L. Eisenstein, ‘The printing press as an agent of change’, 2 vols (1979) in: Fine Print, 6 (1980), pp. 23-25, pp. 32-35.
Anthony Grafton’s review of Eisenstein in Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 11 (1980), 265-86.
P. Nieto, ‘Géographie des impressions européennes du XVe siècle’, in: Le Berceau du livre: autour des incunables. Études et essais offerts au Professeur Pierre Aquilon par ses élèves, ses collègues et ses amis, ed. F. Barbier, (=Revue française d’histoire du livre, 118-121), 2004, 125-173.
Catalogues, Repertoires, and Databases
Incunabula Short-Title Catalogue [=ISTC], on-line database, British Library, London:
then select: collections; Early Printed; Specialist Catalogues; Incunabula Short-Title Catalogue. Or go straight to
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, ed. Kommission für den Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, vols 1-7 (Leipzig, 1925-40), vol. 8- (Stuttgart, Berlin, and NY, 1972-)
Typenrepertorium der Wiegendrucke
BSB-Ink search by iconography
A Catalogue of Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, ed. A. Coates, K. Jensen, C. Dondi, B. Wagner, and H. Dixon, with the assistance of C. White and E. Mathew; blockbooks by N. Palmer, and an inventory of Hebrew incunabula by S. Schaeper, 6 vols (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
Dennis Rhodes, A Catalogue of Incunabula in all the Libraries of Oxford University outside the Bodleian, Oxford: Clarendon Press 1982.
A Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, ed. B.C. Bloomfield for the Rare Books Group of the Library Association, London, 1997.
Material Evidence in Incunabula [=MEI]
Edizioni Italiane del 16 Secolo [= Edit16]
Heritage of the Printed Book [=HPB] Database, accessible via Oxlip in Oxford or the BL website
Consortium of European Research Libraries (=CERL)
From manuscript to printed book
Lotte Hellinga, `The Codex in the Fifteenth Century: Manuscript and Print’, in: A Potencie of Life: Books in Society, The Clark Lectures 1986-1987, ed. N. Barker (London, 1993), pp. 63-88.
Carla Bozzolo, Dominic Coq, Ezio Ornato, ‘La production du livre en quelques pays d’Europe occidentale aux XIVe et XVe siècles’, in: Scrittura e Civiltà (1984), pp. 129-76.
Harry Carter, A View of Early Typography Up to About 1600 (Oxford, 1969), reprinted with an introduction by James Mosley (London, 2002).
Paul Needham, ‘Paleography and the Earliest Printing Types’, in: Johannes Gutenberg – Regionale Aspekte des frühen Buchdrucks (Berlin, 1993).
Carl Wehmer, ‘Augsburger Schreiber aus der Frühzeit des Buchdrucks. II: Heinrich Molitor’, in: Beiträge zur Inkunabelkunde, N. F. 2 (1938), pp. 108-127.
Printing and the support trade: printing workshops and paper mills
Project: Paper through time – Nondestructive Analysis of 14th- through 19th-Century Papers, by Timothy Barrett, University of Iowa Libraries
see Here is a link to the essay on the quality of handmade papers:; Barrett’s experiment:
Richard L. Hills, ‘Early Italian papermaking, a crucial technical revolution’, in: Produzione e commercio della carta e del libro secc. XIII-XVIII. Atti della “Ventitreesima Settimana di Studi” 15-20 aprile 1991, ed. Simonetta Cavaciocchi (Florence, 1992), pp. 73-97.
Anne Basanoff, Itinerario della carta dall’oriente all’occidente e sua diffusione in Europa (Milan, 1965).
Ezio Ornato, La carta occidentale nel tardo medioevo, 2 vols, Rome, Istituto per la patologia del libro, 2001.
Giuseppina Zappella, Il libro antico a stampa. Struttura, tecniche, tipologie, evoluzione (Milan, 2001).
Giovanni Andrea Bussi, Prefazioni, ed. Massimo Miglio, Documenti sulle arti del libro, 12 (Milan, 1978).
Martin Davies, `Two Book-lists of Sweynheym and Pannartz’, in: Libri, tipografi, biblioteche. Ricerche storiche dedicate a Luigi Balsamo, 2 vols, Biblioteca di Bibliografia Italiana, 148 (Florence, 1997), I pp. 25-53.
Stefano Caroti and Stefano Zamponi, ‘Lo scrittoio di Bartolomeo Fonzio umanista fiorentino’, in: Documenti sulle arti del libro, 10 (Milan, 1974), pp. 50-1.
P. O. Kristeller, ‘The contribution of religious orders to thought and learning’, in: Medieval Aspects of Renaissance Learning: Three Essays, ed. E. P. Mahoney (Durham, N.C., 1974), pp. 95-159.
Felix de Marez Oyens, The Parson Fragment of Italian Prototypography (London: Christie’s, 23 Nov. 1998).
Piero Scapecchi, `Venduto a Londra il “frammento Parson”’, in: Biblioteche oggi, gennaio-febbraio (1999), pp. 16-18.
Lotte Hellinga, `Johann Fust, Peter Schoeffer and Nicolas Jenson’, in: Gutenberg Jahrbuch (2003), pp. 16-21.
Lotte Hellinga, ‘Nicolas Jenson and early printing in Mainz’, in: Revue francaise d’histoire du livre, (2004 for 2003).
Luigi Balsamo, ‘Imprese tipografiche in Emilia nel sec. XV: aspetti economici’, in: Villes d’imprimerie et moulins à papier du XIVe au XVIe siècle: aspects économiques et sociaux. Actes du colloque international, Spa, pp. 11-14.
M. Bruwier and J. M. Duvosquel (eds.), Histoire pro civitate, 43 (Brussels, 1976), pp. 105-37.
Intellectual, economic, and political support to the printing industry
Marino Zorzi, `Dal manoscritto al libro’, in: Storia di Venezia. IV. Il Rinascimento. Politica e cultura, ed. A. Tenenti and U. Tucci (Rome, 1996).
Paul Needham, ‘Venetian printers and publishers in the fifteenth century’, in: La Bibliofilia, 100 (1998), pp. 158-200.
C. Dondi, ‘Printers and Guilds in Fifteenth-Century Venice’, in: La Bibliofilia, 106, 2005 for 2004, pp. 229-265. Martin Lowry, ‘Venetian Capital, German Technology and Renaissance Culture in the Late Fifteenth Century’, in: Renaissance Studies, II (1988), pp. 1-13.
Martin Lowry, ‘Diplomacy and the Spread of Printing’, in: Bibliography and the Study of 15th-Century Civilization, ed. Lotte Hellinga and John Goldfinch (London, 1987), pp. 125-37.
Jeanne-Marie Dureau: ‘Les premiers ateliers français’, in: Histoire de l’édition française, ed. Henri Jean Martin, 4 vols (Paris, 1982-86), I, pp. 163-75.
The printed text: subjects, language, lay-out, formats, illustration
Armando Petrucci, `Alle origini del libro moderno: libri da banco, libri da bisaccia, libretti da mano’, in: Italia Medioevale e Umanistica, 12 (1969), pp. 295-313.
Paul Needham, ‘”Res papirea”: Sizes and Formats of the Late Medieval Book’, in: Rationalisierung der Buchherstellung im Mittelalter und in der frühen Neuzeit, ed. Peter Rück (Marbunrg an der Lahn, 1994), pp. 123-145.
Eric White, on print runs see his introduction and database in the CERL website at
Dominic Coq, ‘Les débuts de l’édition en langue vulgaire en France: Public et politiques éditoriales’, in: Gb Jb (1987), pp. 59-72.
Chiara Ruzzier, Xavier Hermand, Ezio ornato, Les strategies éditoriales à l’époque de l’incunable: le cas des anciens Pays-Bas, Turnhout: Brepols 2012 (Bibliologia, 33).
Victor Masséna, Prince d’Essling, Les livres à figures vénitiens de la fin du XVe siècle et du commencement di XVIe, 4 vols (Florence and Paris, 1907-14).
Max Sander, Le livre à figures italien depuis 1467 jusqu’à 1530, 5 vols, Milan, Hoepli 1942. Carlo Enrico Rava, Supplément, Milan, 1969.
Carlo Rava, L’arte dell’illustrazione nel libro italiano del Rinascimento, Milan: Gorlich 1945.
Lilian Armstrong, Studies of Renaissance Miniaturists in Venice, 2 vols, London: Pindar Press 2003.
Ruth Mortimer, Harvard College Library. Department of Printing and Graphic Arts. Catalogue of Books and Manuscripts. Part II: Italian 16th Century Books, I-II, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univ. Press 1974.
James Paul Kristeller, Early Florentine woodcuts (London, 1897).
S. H. Steinberg, Five hundred years of printing (London, 1955, rev. ed. 1996).
Jonathan Harthan, The history of the illustrated book (London, 1981).
From the press to the library: ateliers of decoration, stationers, dynamics of distribution and sale
Lilian Armstrong, ‘The Hand-Illumination of Printed Books’, in: The Painted Page. Italian Renaissance Book Illumination 1450-1550, ed. Jonathan J. Alexander (London, 1994), pp. 35-47.
Lilian Armstrong, `The Impact of Printing on Miniaturists in Venice after 1469’, in: Printing the Written Word: The Social History of Books, circa 1450-1520, ed. Sandra Hindman (Ithaca, NY, and London, 1991), pp. 174-202.
Lilian Armstrong, `Nicolaus Jenson’s Breviarium Romanum, Venice 1478, Decoration and Distribution’, in: Incunabula. Studies in Fifteenth-Century Printed Books Presented to Lotte Hellinga, ed. M. Davies (London, 1999), pp. 421-467.
Lilian Armstrong, ‘The Hand Illumination of Venetian Bibles in the Incunable Period’, in: Incunabula and Their Readers: Printing, Selling, and Using Books Printed in the Fifteenth Century, ed. K. Jensen (London: British Library, 2003), pp. 83-113.
Lotte Hellinga, `Peter Schoeffer and the Book-Trade in Mainz: Evidence for the Organization’, in: Bookbindings and Other Bibliophily: Essays in honour of Anthony Hobson, ed. D. E. Rhodes (Verona, 1994), pp. 131-83.
Eberhard Konig, ‘New Perspectives on the History of Mainz Printing: a Fresh Look at Illuminated Imprints, in: Printing the Written Word: The Social History of Books, circa 1450-1520, ed. Sandra Hindman (Ithaca, NY, and London, 1991), pp. 143-73.
Angela Nuovo, Il commercio librario nell’Italia del Rinascimento (Milan, 1988).
Angela Nuovo, The Booktrade in the Italian Renaissance, Leiden: Brill, 2013.
Anna Giulia Cavagna, ‘Libri in Lombardia e alla corte sforzesca…’, in: Il libro a corte, ed. A Quondam (Rome, 1994), pp. 89-136.
Giorgio Montecchi, ‘I benedettini di San Giovanni Evangelista di Parma tra “artis scriptoriae peritia” e arte della stampa’, in: Libri manoscritti e a stampa da Pomposa all’Umanesimo, ed. Luigi Balsamo (Florence, 1985), pp. 157-76.
Gustavo Bertoli, ‘Librai, cartolai e ambulanti immatricolati nell’Arte dei medici e speziali di Firenze dal 1490 al 1600′, part I in: La Bibliofilia, 94, 2 (1992), pp. 125-64; part II in: La Bibliofilia, 94, 3 (1993), pp. 227-62.
[Madi’s journal 1484-88] partially published in Horatio Brown, The Venetian Printing Press (London, 1891), pp. 431-52.
C. Dondi and Neil Harris, ‘Oil and Green Ginger. The Zornale of the Venetian Bookseller Francesco de Madiis, 1484-1488’, in: Documenting the Early Modern Book World: Inventories and Catalogues in Manuscript and Print, Acts of the Third St Andrews Book Group Conference. 7–9 July 2011, edited by Natasha Constantinidou and Malcolm Walsby, Leiden: Brill 2012.
C. Dondi and Neil Harris, ‘Best Selling Titles and Books of Hours in a Venetian Bookshop of the 1480s: the Zornale of Francesco de Madiis’, in: La Bibliofilìa, 115, 2013, pp. 63-82.
C. Dondi and Neil Harris, ‘Exporting books from Milan to Venice in the 15th century: evidence from the Zornale of Francesco de Madiis’, in: Incunabula. Printing, Trading, Collecting, Cataloguing, Milan, 10-12 Sept. 2013, La Bibliofilia, pp.***, 2014, forthcoming.
From the press to the library: who bought what in the fifteenth century, evidence from contemporary libraries
Lotte Hellinga, ‘Importation of books printed on the continent into England and Scotland before c.1520’, in: Printing the Written Word: The Social History of Books, circa 1450-1520, ed. Sandra Hindman (Ithaca, NY, and London, 1991), pp. 205-24.
Paul Needham, ‘Continental Printed Books Sold in Oxford, c.1480-3’, in: Incunabula. Studies in Fifteenth-Century Printed Books (London, 1999), pp. 243-70.
P. Needham, ‘The customs rolls as documents for the printed-book trade in England’, in: The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, vol. III 1400-1557, ed. L. Hellinga and J. B. Trapp (Cambridge, 1999), pp. 148-163.
M. Lane Ford, ‘Importation of printed books into England and Scotland’, in: The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, vol. III 1400-1557, pp. 179-201.
Mariarosa Cortesi, `Incunaboli veneziani in Germania nel 1471’, in: Vestigia. Studi in onore di Giuseppe Billanovich, ed. R. Avesani, 2 vols (Rome1984), I pp. 197-219.
Studies in Readership
Paolo Trovato, ‘Il libro in Toscana nell’età di Lorenzo’, in: L’ordine dei tipografi. Lettori, stampatori, correttori tra Quattro e Cinquecento (Rome, 1998).
Projects on readership
Annotated Books online
The Archeology of Reading [announcement]
Useful Websites:
Centre for the Study of the Book
Bodleian Library Homepage:
Oxford Bibliographical Society
Oxford University Society of Bibliophiles:
London Bibliographical Society
History of the Book Events in the UK (=HOBO)
Panizzi Lectures, The British Library