20 June 2022 Erlangen-Nürnberg, Institut für Kunstgeschichte Friedrich-Alexander-Universität [remote], Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI) und die Inkunabelsammlung des Germanischen Nationalmuseums in Nürnberg, with Prof. Christina Strunck, Prof. Johannes Pommeranz, Dr Beatrice Alai and Elena Fogolin (C. Dondi)
4 May 2022, Turin, Biblioteca Nazionale and University, Rivoluzione della stampa Rivoluzione digitale. La ricerca scientifica di ambito umanistico nel XXI secolo. Presentation of the volume Printing Revolution and Society. 1450-1500 (Venice, 2020) by Erminia Irace, Paolo Rosso, Manuel Vaquero Piñeiro, Rosa Maria Piccione, Antonio Olivieri, Chiara Pilocane, org. Alessandra Panzanelli
22-23 Feb. 2022, Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek and Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) [remote], “Material Evidence in Incunabula“, in Forschungsorientierte Inkunabelerschliessung und digitalisierung in deutschen Bibliotheken: Bedarfe und Perspektiven
18 Feb. 2022, Washington, The Catholic University of America, Dept. of Library and Information Science, 14th Annual Symposium Bridging the Spectrum: ‘Sharing Hidden Treasures: Material Evidence in Incunabula at the Dominican House of Studies’ (Hannah Jones and Benjamin Turnbull, Dominican Theological Library, Washington)
30 Nov. 2021, Oxford, Lincoln College, Conversazione: Botticelli’s Dante: new research and new discoveries
16 Oct. 2021, Oxford, Lincoln College, Annual Murray Society Lecture: Botticelli’s Dante: new research and new discoveries
4 May 2021 [remote]: The 1481 Florence edition of the Divina Comedia illustrated by Botticelli: a unique online event uniting copies from the U.K., U.S., and Italy on the 540th anniversary year of its publication and the 700th of Dante’s death. Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pFvGSRzuQA
Org. Dr Tabitha Tuckett, Rare-Books Librarian, University College London, Dr Alexandra Franklin, Co-ordinator, Centre for the Study of the Book, Bodleian Libraries, and Cristina Dondi. The event was co-sponsored by the Bibliographical Society of America and by the Italian Cultural Institute in London’s series ‘1321-2021 Dante: A Man For All Seasons’. Short presentations by T. Tuckett (the edition), C. Dondi (the surviving copies), Gervaise Rosser, Professor of the History of Art, Univ. of Oxford (the illustrations), were followed by curatorial presentations of the copies in Florence National Central Library, London University College Library, Cambridge Trinity College, Oxford Bodleian Libraries, Rome Biblioteca Vallicelliana, London the British Library, New York the Morgan Library, Manchester the John Rylands Library. Over 400 participants.
18 Jan. 2021 [remote] London, University College: a session for the Library and Information Studies MA course, org. Dr Tabitha Tuckett (C. Dondi)
15 Dec. 2020 [remote] Katowice, University of Silesia, three lectures delivered as part of a visiting Fellowship funded by the Metropolitalny Fundusz Wspierania Nauki” (=Metropolis Science and Education Support Fund), org. by Prof. Prof. Jolanta Gwiozdzik. On the historical research and data on incunabula (15cBOOKTRADE), outreach (Printing Revolution exhibition), and the Polonsky Project on Monastic libraries (C. Dondi)
5 Nov. 2020 [remote] Oxford, University of the Third Age (U3A),Printed books: the first 50 years (C. Dondi)
27 Oct. 2020 [remote] CERL webinar, Our experience: five years of digitization, cataloguing, and dissemination with the Polonsky Foundation. Sharing challenges, successes, lessons learned, and tips.Presentations by the Bodleian Library Oxford (Martin Kauffmann), the Vatican Library (Domenico Izzo), the British Library (Kathleen Doyle), the Bibliothèque nationale de France (Bruno Sagna), Rome Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale (Andrea Cappa), CERL (Cristina Dondi), Cambridge University Library (Suzanne Paul), Heidelberg University Library (Karin Zimmermann), and Wolfenbüttel Herzog August Bibliothek (Torsten Schassan); Introduction by Marc Polonsky, moderated by C. Dondi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bemM0D5cr9M&list=PLWdvmalzEqYcGGrYSh92_FUX8CSf7yJYD .
23 Jan. 2020 [remote] London, Italian Embassy, Art2Business: Printing R-evolution 1470-2020. The Italian publishing and printing industry 550 years ago and today (H.E. Raffaele Trombetta Ambassador of Italy to the UK; C. Dondi; Chiara Medioli Vice-President Fedrigoni; Elaine Ward Production Director Phaidon; Nolan Browne London Gallery Director Taschen; moderated by Federico Gatti UK bureau Chief Correspondent, Mediaset) https://www.rainews.it/dl/rainews/media/Londra-lincunabolo-benedettino-del-1400-d76625b0-1f76-4bf8-9592-87ba9d466ea0.html
28 Oct. 2019 Modica (Ragusa), Palazzo della cultura, presentation of the volume Incunaboli a Ragusa, ed. L. Catalano, R.C. Giordano, M. Palma, A. Scala, S. Terranova, R. Tripoli, Rome: Viella, 2019 (C. Dondi with Marco Palma)
26 Oct. 2019, Bagnacavallo (Ravenna), Sala conferenze Museo delle Cappuccine, Gli incunaboli della biblioteca ‘G. Taroni’ di Bagnacavallo nel Material Evidence in Incunabula (C. Dondi, with Federica Fabbri, Paolo Tinti, and Antonella Salvi)
24 Oct. 2019, Milan, Università Cattolica, special lecture for Rector and Scholars, “La mia ricerca sulla rivoluzione della stampa e la ricostruzione del patrimonio librario italiano disperso nel mondo” (C. Dondi)
13 June 2019, London, Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art, Alumni Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – UK Chapter: Shaping British economy and society: the Italian touch (C. Dondi panellist)
1 May 2019, London, Queen’s College [secondary school], “How did 15th-century society react to technological change? Printing R-evolution 1450-1500. Fifty Years that Changed Europe” (C. Dondi)
5 Apr. 2019, Oxford Literary Festival, Italian day, “Printed Books: The First 50 Years” (C. Dondi)
3 Apr. 2019, Lyon, Séminaire sur l’étude des provenances dans les bibliothèques territoriales françaises. CERL – Ministère de la culture – Bibliothèque municipale de Lyon, “La base de données “Material Evidence in Incunabula” (MEI) et ses modes de visualisation” (C. Dondi)
3 Feb. 2019: XXIV Venice Seminar, org. Italian Embassy in London for the British press and media, visit of the exhibition Printing R-evolution (C. Dondi and G. Della Rocca de Candal)
17 Nov. 2018: Milan, Bookcity, Castello Sforzesco, Weil Weiss Room, “Rivoluzione della stampa e rivoluzione digitale, un confronto nell’ambito della mostra Printing Revolution etc.” (C. Dondi, Stefano Lucchini – Intesa Sanpaolo, Sebastiano Girardi – Studio Girardi, Giorgia Voltan, Daniele Balcon – Studio Visuale, mod. Pierluigi Vercesi – Il Corriere della Sera)
22 Oct. 2018: London, Venice in Peril, “Printing Revolution 1450-1500. The Role of Venice in the Fifty Years that Changed Europe” (C. Dondi); “The Society for the Preservation of Rare Books” (G. Della Rocca de Candal)
19 Oct. 2018: Oxford, Lincoln College, “Initial impressions: a trail of 15th century books in Oxford college libraries” (Org. Sarah Cusk and Daryl Green), colleges involved: Balliol, Jesus, Lincoln, Magdalen, Merton, Wadham, Worcester (C. Dondi and Monica Viero, Director of Correr Museum Library, Venice)
10 Oct. 2018: Oxford, The Oxford Italian Association, St Hugh’s College, “Printing Revolution 1450-1500. Fifty Years that Changed Europe (C. Dondi)
17 Sept. 2018: Padua, Sistema Bibliotecario dell’Università di Padova, “New roles for the University libraries: third mission and citizen science”, (C. Dondi)
3 July 2018: Oxford, Digital Humanities Summer School 2018 Lectures: 15cBOOKTRADE. The visualization of the circulation of books over time and space and Image-searching tool: How it works (C. Dondi and M. Malaspina)
14-15 Sept. 2017: Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences, Workshop for potential ERC applicants, with Gill Wells and Gavin Bird (Oxford European Team Research Office), and ERC grantee colleagues.
2 Sept. 2017: Broadcasting BBC World Service, First Impressions: The Printing Press, The Forum, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csv0rr Rajan Dattar is joined by art historian Hala Auji (American University of Beirut), publisher Michael Bhaskar, scholar Cristina Dondi and the writer John Man.
4 July 2017: Oxford, Digital Humanities Summer School 2017 Lectures: 15cBOOKTRADE. The visualization of the circulation of books over time and space and Image-searching tool: How we got there (C. Dondi and M. Malaspina)
21 March 2017: Athens, The Gennadius Library American School of Classical Studies Visualising 500 years of circulation of Greek incunabula in European and American collections (C. Dondi)
21 February 2017: Oxford, Weston Library, Centre for Digital Scholarship’s ‘Research Uncovered’ series, ‘Image-retrieval and image-tagging technologies applied to 15th-century printed book illustrations’ (M. Malaspina)
30 November 2016: University of Udine, Kick-off Conference of EMoBookTrade Project, ’15cBOOKTRADE: where we are’ (C. Dondi)
21 November 2016: London, The British Library (LunchTime talk – Feed the Mind), ’15th century books survival and detective techniques’ (Alessandra Panzanelli)
8 November 2016: Oxford, Weston Library, Centre for Digital Scholarship’s ‘Research Uncovered’ series, ‘The visualization of the circulation of books over time and space: How we got there’ (C. Dondi)
20-22 October 2016: Perugia, 6th Heloïse Workshop (History of Universities), ‘University texts printed in the 15th century: Their production and transmission in print – The 15cBOOKTRADE Project and its databases and web applications’ (Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni); ‘The Visualisation of the reception of University texts printed in the 15th century – The 15cBOOKTRADE Project and its databases and web applications’ (C. Dondi)
29 September 2016: Wroclaw, Ossolineum, CERL Group of Polish Research Libraries: Early books and their owners – state of research, cataloguing methods, perspectives: a presentation of MEI (Geri Della Rocca de Candal)
7 July 2016: Oxford, Digital Humanities Summer School 2016 Lectures: ‘An Evidence-based Assessment and Visualization of the Distribution, Sale, and Reception of Books in the Renaissance’ (C. Dondi) The podcast of the presentation can be watched here: podcast
6 June 2016: London, British Library Seminar on Textual Bibliography for Modern Foreign Languages, ‘Illustration in early printed books from Perugia: imitation, re-use and original production’ (Alessandra Panzanelli Fratoni)
28 May 2016: St Theosevia, Oxford, Early printed Greek Psalters, between Italian Humanism and Greek Diaspora (Geri Della Rocca de Candal)
27 April 2016: Venice, Fondazione Cini, Utilizzo di sistemi digitali per la mappatura e lo studio dell’illustrazione nei primi testi a stampa: image-matching technology applicata alle xilografie veneziane del XV secolo (M. Malaspina)
25 April 2016: Utrecht University, The European dimensions of popular print culture (=EDPOP) Project meeting (S. Minuzzi)
29 Feb. 2016: Oxford, Magdalen College Library & Archives Talk, ‘Early Printing and Material Culture: Celebrating Aldus Manutius’ (Geri Della Rocca de Candal)
2 Dec. 2015: Siracusa and Noto, Book presentation: Incunaboli a Siracusa, ed. L. Catalano, R. C. Giordano, M. Palma, A. Scala, M. Scialabba, S. Terranova, R.Tripoli, con la collaborazione di Giuseppe Greco e Anna Reale, Rome, Viella, 2015 (Scritture e libri del medioevo, 14) (C. Dondi)
Bobbi Hinton, Meghan Wilson, Cindy Connelly Ryan, Marianna Stell (Library of Congress), “The Secret (Past) Lives of Library Books”, in Guardians of Memory. Preserving the National Collection, 9 Jan. 2023 [blog of the Library of Congress, Washington, on the occasion of the examination and cataloguing in MEI of Italian incunabula as part of the Kluge Fellowship of Martyna Grzesiak, Graduate Student at the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford, and former CERL grantee 2018 at the Huntington Library, San Marino Ca] https://blogs.loc.gov/preservation/2023/01/secret-lives-of-books/?loclr=eapres
- Debora M. Di Pietro, “What began as a hobby became a consuming quest”: il bibliofilo statunitense William Lawrence Clements e la sua collezione di incunaboli, Bibliothecae.it, 10 (2021), 1, 232-272 [open access]
- Fabrizio Fossati, Primi cenni sul fondo degli incunaboli della Biblioteca Diocesana di Aosta: con una precisazione bibliografica su un’edizione lionese e il ritrovamento di una cinquecentina italiana sconosciuta, in Bibliothecae.it, 9 (2020), 1, 82-117. DOI 10.6092/issn.2283-9364/11025
- Alessandro Tedesco, Libri antichi sul web: vantaggi, problematiche e nuove prospettive di ricerca, in «La Bibliofilia», 121, 2019, pp. 157-178, at 164 [MEI] and 169 [15cILLUSTRATION]
- Mauro Guerrini, La punta dell’iceberg. Le cinquecentine delle biblioteche ecclesiastiche: proposta (aperta) per la redazione di un repertorio, in «La Bibliofilia», 120, 2018, pp. 309-330, at 311, 323 [MEI]
- Marieke van Delft, Material Evidence in Incunabula, in IP (2018), number 1, p. 10.
- Richard Sharpe, Common Carriers in Medieval England: Evidence from Oxford Archives, in «Oxoniensia», 81, 2016, pp. 27-61: 43 note 77 on the 15cBOOKTRADE Project.
- Anne Walsh, The Rare Books Catalog and the Scholarly Database, in «Cataloging and Classification Quarterly», 2016, published online 1 July 2016 http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1497185/1/RareBooksCatalogueAccepted.pdf on MEI.
- Chiara Cauzzi, Valeria De Francesca, Lisa Longhi e Federica Viazzi, Conoscersi per riconoscersi: la partecipazione come specchio del bibliotecario, in «AIB studi», vol. 56 n. 2 (maggio/agosto 2016), pp. 219-239 on MEI, TEXT-inc, 15cBOOKTRADE, and CERL
- Francesca Nepori and Beppe Pavoletti, La catalogazione “orientata all’esemplare”. Il trattamento in SBN e UNIMARC di dati di grande interesse per la ricostruzione delle collezioni, in «Biblioteche oggi», gennaio-febbraio 2015, pp. 23-35, at 26 on MEI and CERL.
- M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, Un fondo Monteripido tra le raccolte librarie antiche dell’Università degli Studi di Perugia, in “Non oculis sed mentibus esca”. Ricostruzione del patrimonio librario della storica Biblioteca del Monte di Perugia (1425 -1795), ed. by Fiammetta Sabba, Perugia: Biblioteca storica del Monte, 2015, pp. 105-115 (cit. 108-109).
- Alessandro Ledda, Lettori, possessori, biblioteche. Gli incunaboli attraverso il database MEI , Fogli [Rivista dell’Associazione Biblioteca Salita dei Frati di Lugano], 36, 2015, 11-18.
- La Biblioteca europea di Milano (Beic). Vicende e traguardi di un progetto, ed. Antonio Padoa-Schioppa, Milan, Skira, 2014, pp. 95, 121.
- ‘News: Fifteenth-Century Book Trade Project’, in «The Library», 7.15.3, September 2014, pp. 347-8.
- CILIP LIHG (@CILIP_LIHG) heeft getweet op 1:03 PM on za, jul. 12, 2014:#lihg14 Provenance databases need to be international in scope like @CERL_org Material Evidence in Incunabula. More funding needed.
- Laura Lalli, Rare books in the Vatican Library: reshaping the catalogue, JLIS.it, vol. 5, n. 2 (July 2014), pp. 123-135, at 132 CERL and MEI
- Guildhall Library (London) blogs about being the first library to contribute pictures to MEI: ‘Incunabula Project’, April 2014 https://guildhalllibrarynewsletter.wordpress.com/2014/04/10/incunabula-project/
- Polo SBN di Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche NEWS, April 2014: Il PBE partecipa al Material Evidence in Incunabula http://www.polopbe.it/
- Pierre Delsaerdt, The Inheritors of loss. Seized libraries and bibliophily in late 18th-century Antwerp, in «De gulden passer, Journal for book history», 92, 2014, pp. 53-70, at p. 69.
- I primi libri a stampa. Incunaboli dell’Accademia Tadini di Lovere, ed. Simone Signaroli, Lovere, Accademia Tadini, 2014 (In ottavo elettronico, 2), pp. 15-16 http://www.accademiatadini.it/opere_biblioteca.aspx?id=6&pid=0
- M.A. Panzanelli Fratoni, La Biblioteca antica dell’Università di Perugia. Sala del Dottorato e altre collezioni speciali, in «Annali di storia delle Università italiane», 18 (2014), pp. 195-217 (cit. p. 209).
- Harvard University, Houghton Library blog, 11 Oct. 2013, Contributing data for greater understanding (on MEI): http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/houghton/2013/10/11/contributing-data-for-greater-understanding/#more-6718
- Barcelona, Biblioteca de reserva, blog, 16 July 2013 (mention of GW, ISTC, and MEI): http://blocbibreserva.ub.edu/2013/07/16/una-rara-copia-parisenca-datada-entre-el-1494-i-el-1499-nou-incunable-a-la-col%c2%b7leccio-del-crai-biblioteca-de-reserva/
- L’Almanacco Bibliografico, no. 26, June 2013 issue, pp 47-49 [electronic journal]. http://centridiricerca.unicatt.it/creleb_Almanacco26.pdf
- Univ. degli Studi di Padova, Sistema Bibliotecario di Ateneo, Nuove Risorse: MEI, 20 May 2013 http://www.cab.unipd.it/node/2064
- Umanistica News (Biblioteca Umanistica dell’Univ. di Firenze), blog, 8 April 2013, on MEI: http://umanisticanews.wordpress.com/2013/04/08/material-evidence-in-incunabula-mei/
- Bibliostoria (Biblioteca di scienze della storia e della documentazione storica, Univ. degli Studi di Milano), blog, 26 March 2013, on MEI: http://bibliostoria.wordpress.com/tag/cristina-dondi/
- Giornale di Brescia, Thursday 28 February 2013 ‘L’antica biblioteca dell’Annunciata rinasce virtuale’: http://www.giornaledibrescia.it/l-antica-biblioteca-br-dell-annunciata-br-rinasce-virtuale-1.1556338?edizione=&testata=Giornale%20di%20Brescia&sezione=cultura&artid=1.1556338&viewMode=PRINT?refresh=true
- Renae, Satterley, Manicules, Drôleries and marginalia, The Middle Templar, Michaelmas 2012, p.48: http://www.middletemple.org.uk/Downloads/MT%20Michaelmas%202012.pdf
- Formazione 2011 – Il libro antico: la descrizione degli esemplari imperfetti e novita’ contenute in ISBD Consolidated, Rome, Biblioteca Angelica, 10-11 November 2011
- AMARC Newsletter no. 56 May 2011, p. 31-32 (MEI and IPI)
- Folio Complutense (Noticias de la Biblioteca Historica de la Univ. Complutense de Madrid), blog, 14 Feb. 2011, on MEI: http://biblioteca.ucm.es/blogs/Foliocomplutense/3080.php#.UlpH_f9wZdg